Happy New Year! I have spent the first ten days of the year, attempting to live up to my aspirations for 2009. The first on the list involves getting back into shape (a shape besides round). In a feeble attempt to start, I have begun using the WiiFit Program for 4 days a week. This coupled with eating better and a few legitimate workouts, and I'm looking like my pre-festively- plump self!
Starting the game was a more than a wii-little disconcerting. When you first step on the balance board, the game makes a sound that resembles 'oh', and the only thing that could make you feel more self-conscious is if it started-in with a 'your momma's so fat...' joke. (I find it ironic that after years of telling people that video games cause children to be overweight, we now have a video game that essentially calls you fat to your face.) If that wasn't humiliating enough, it takes your Mii (your personalized Wii character), and bulges out the mid-section, if you are not of a petite size. So now, I am determined to bring my Mii back to its normal size and show this game who's boss. My goal is twenty pounds in six months, and I figure if I stop eating now, I might just make it.
1 comment:
I got on WiiFit to do a workout yesterday and it said I haven't been on in 165 days. Now if you ask me, I'd say that's obsessive to keep counting for that long. I stopped counting after about a week. Despite my absence I lost a pound. Ha Ha.
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