Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Was Here

Here we are on December 26th, and it seems as only yesterday we were celebrating Easter... Memorial Day... Labor Day... Thanksgiving. It seems this year has been barreling along, like the Polar Express headed down a slippery slope, ending in 2009. Could it be that Christmas has come and gone again? I think that Jewish people have it right -- we need eight nights of celebration. I'm in favor of December 24th through the 31st. The only issue would be that if I ate for eight days like I did on Christmas, it would take me until Independence Day to work off the weight.
This year, we had a Palmer first. We woke up Christmas morning in our house. Since Nik and I got married, we have always split our Christmas days between our parents' houses in Tucson. This year we had the rare opportunity to celebrate on the weekend before Christmas with Nik's family, and on Christmas day with my family... In Phoenix. We ate; we opened presents; we ate; we played games; and we ate again. It was like the most perfect of days. Here are some pics:

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