Reading great literature was never an important part of my high school career. I would do well on my tests, and I always turned in assignments on time, but if it wasn't for the Cliffs Notes on all the great literary works, I would have struggled. My English teacher used to get excited when I would bring clever banter to the classroom about Hemmingway or Shakespeare, and provide insights on the underlying message of a novel. In short, I may not have read the whole book, but at least my efforts made me a better, more learned person. Sure, we all would laugh and snicker when someone would bring up, "but when will we ever use this is everyday life?" Yet, there was something to be said about how the experiences of literary figures could help mold our world views and give us a better understanding of the capacity of man's intellect and abilities. I say all that, to be able to say... The gentlemen in this picture were absent on the day God handed-out brains. And yes... I know what you're thinking... Is that a power strip floating on a pair of flip-flops? To which of course I answer... Pete and Repeat are in a boat... Pete falls out, who's left?
The history of moronic behavior is bound to repeat itself... if they make it out of the pool.
No Petes were harmed during the making of this blog.
If this photo had been taken only minutes later, the charred skin and exploded, oozing eyeballs of these men would have made it too gruesome to post on a public forum like this.
Survival of the fittest, my friends. These people deserve a Darwin Award.
time for an update man!
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