Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Calling My Baby By Name

I have to admit my level of anxiety has grown over the past few weeks, as we've gotten closer to April 23rd. From our first doctor appointment in February, Nik and I have spent countless hours dreaming of what the future will hold for us and the new addition to our family. Yet, we have held-off on our "important" planning until we officially find-out if we're having a boy or a girl.

Although it really didn't matter to me whether the baby was a boy or a girl, I had to quietly hope that it was a boy for the standard muchismo reasons: 1) A boy will carry on the family name 2) I understand boys. 3) I have no idea what do with a baby girl. What I found difficult to deal with was the waiting. Waiting to get the ultrasound to be scheduled, or for the day of the ultrasound to come. It seemed like waiting forever while the doctor checked everything over on the baby... except its gender. She began by looking at the heart... both boys and girls have hearts (except teenage girls but that's another blog). Then the lips... both boys and girls have lips, too. Eyes, ears, toes, fingers, spinal column... none of which is gender exclusive. Well the baby was laying on its side and being very polite in not showing the goods (if you know what I mean). So much so, that she made a comment that led Nik and I to think that our child's modesty was going to get in the way of our finding-out what we wanted to know. Finally, the doctor seemed to get all the pictures and measurements that she needed, and requested that Nikki roll over on her side to try to get our child to cooperate with our gender analysis. Finally after a little coaxing, the doctor was able to get a picture that made it very apparent that we are having an Andrew Ryan Palmer. We couldn't be happier!


The Hodges Family said...

YAAAAH FOR A BOY! we're so excited for you guys....and so happy you're having your little drew! :) WOO HOO! mason was so excited today when i was screaming on the phone with nik that he was clapping and banging his wooden spoons on the tile, he's pumped. another little dude to wrestle with! love you guys! Jess and Brent, and Mas... :)

Linsey said...

I was so excited to hear about Andrew yesterday... I can't wait to meet him. You thought waiting for the ultrasound was hard...

Michael Gray said...

Sweet Baby James...I mean Andrew.

Congratulations guys! Hyde and are are almost as pumped as Mason about the fact that you'll be bringing another boy into the crew. We're gonna have a football team in no time.

To be honest, I'm surprised that -- being the Dis Freaks you are -- you didn't pick a traditional Disney name for your child. Andrew and Ryan are both solid names, but you still have a few months so I would like you to consider the following alternatives:

Mickey Palmer
Merlin Palmer
Woody Palmer
Baloo Palmer
Peter Pan Palmer (aliterations rule)
Buzz Palmer
Pongo Palmer
Captian Jack Palmer
Gaston Palmer
The Tramp (you don't even need to use the last name on this one)

Or you could stay ahead of the trend and name him WALL-E Palmer.

But whatever, he's your kid.

Shaun Palmer said...

First I want to point out that Michael "Uncensored but Spellchecked" Gray made a couple errors in his comment. Yes, even his witty humor couldn't draw my attention away from those errors.

As for the baby, Natalie and I are thrilled to have a little nephew. We can't wait until Halloween to see the little Kangadrew. The fact that it's a boy shows one great quality in this kid from the start. He listens to his dad. He embraced the "Y".

Michael Gray said...

To clarify:

My blog is uncensored, but spell-checked.

Comments on other blogs are always sensored and kompletely non-spaell chucked.

Don't give me your carp.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you guys. I know all about the boy thing, it is cool to get that legacy out of the way on the first one! Although, I will tell you that my baby girl has my heart like nobody else :)

Can't wait to meet the little dude and pray over him.
