Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Middle of #14... Embrace the Y Chromosome

It's been awhile... but we are now in the midst of fourteen weeks of pregnancy, and I feel the need to dedicate this blog to my unborn child (once again). I think it's probably fairly common that the father hopes for a little boy, and the mother hopes for a baby girl during pregnancy. I am bent on throwing the ball with my son, and Nik wants to put pony tails in a little girls hair. I'm having a hard time with having the patience to wait until April 20th, when we find out the sex of the baby. We've heard all the old wives' tales and had various people say to do "this and that" and you'll be able to tell the sex of the baby, but when all is said and done, I like slipping into bed at night, crawling up next to Nik's belly and saying (ever so gently), "Embrace the Y Chromosome." I know it may not work, but we'll find out.
Scientifically speaking, the baby is about four- five inches long now (four according to our last ultra-sound a few weeks ago), and already moving all around. We're expecting the first kick in the next few weeks, and Nik sometimes has felt "something" , although she can't tell if it's the baby, or something else ( I say it's gas... I hope she doesn't read this). Anywho... this is really an exciting time.

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