Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's Official... It's a "Fetus"

For those "not understanding" the last blog... Nikki is ten weeks pregnant. That's a quarter of the way there, and I feel a little ... unprepared. It's been incredible to have friends and family that have stepped-up to give us advice and a "play-by-play" on what we should be expecting. We also found a great website that medically describes how the baby is forming. Guess what.. It's officially a fetus... but if it's alright with all of you out in Blogville, we would still prefer to refer to it as a baby. Anyway, we have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday afternoon, and I am so looking forward at being at the appointments and getting to share in this amazing experience with Nik.
PS- Psalm 139 has taken-on new meaning.

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