Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Run Chang Run

My wife is my hero. After months of training, she ran in the PF Chang's Rockin' 1/2 Marathon on Sunday. 13.1 miles of sheer "amazingness." She finished in 2 hours and 38 minutes, crushing her goals of finishing the race in three hours. This may not seem like quite an accomplishment until you look at the course they ran, and figure that they basically went from downtown Phoenix to ASU Sundevil stadium, via McDowell Road.
Seeing 25,000+ people running was quite an amazing thing to watch from 44th St and Van Buren, but it was even more amazing to get to have her run by, and see that she had enough energy to finish the last 3.6 miles of the run. It was also neat to see other friends family at the race, and get to support them. Nik's cousins ran(Stacey and Jayson), along with my roommate from college (Allen), and my Nertz partner Deb, whose husband Pete played guitar in my stead at church so I could go to the race (You Da Man Pedro!). In all, it was inspiring watching my wife conquer a goal, and cross an item off of her "life list" of things to-do.

PS -- Nertz is worth 25 points if you go out first.


Anonymous said...

Dude...you have inspired me. Pete's blog coming soon!

Michael Gray said...

Nicole Marie Palmer, you are awesome! Congratulations!