Sunday, March 21, 2010

Christians, Don't Read This.

I had to believe that a little piece of America died tonight. Many people will stop reading this blog, thinking that I am referring to the passing of the HR 1099 Health Care bill. I'm not. What I am referring to are the passionate leaders of the church that I see downplaying the hottest issue in America right now. I am watching countless 'tweets' and facebook posts float across my screen, as religious leaders ask 'if God really cares about healthcare?', and 'will we care about this in heaven someday?'. Are we that out of tune with our own nation and the people we are trying to reach with the love of Christ?

Proponent and Opponents to the bill agree that you will be effected. They can't necessarily agree on how you will be effected, but all can agree that this is a defining moment in America. If everyone's effected, then it's important to understand both sides of the issue and form an intelligent stance on the issue. You may not blast it from the pulpit, but understand that people are hurting on both sides of the aisle.

When will Christians in America spend a few minutes directing some of their passion for the nation they live in? How do you passionately 'burn' for a nation who has suffered a national disaster that was out of their control, yet shrug your shoulders as the nation that you live in willfully adopts a measure that has the potential to 'rock' America (Although this is obviously yet to be seen)? Cheery churchgoers, have spent the past several decades looking the other way while abortion has become legalized, The Ten Commandments have been removed from Federal buildings, and the words 'one nation under God' were almost removed from the pledge of allegiance. Someday, America may not welcome my Christian beliefs at all. What does that have to do with health care? We don't know, and that's the problem.

If the wording would allow your 16 year old daughter to have a federally funded abortion without your consent, would you care then? If it enabled cancer treatment for a loved one, who formerly couldn't be treated because of 'a pre-existing condition', would that matter to you? These questions are running through everyone's minds. If it doesn't effect you now, please don't think that it will never become tangible in your lifetime.

In closing, I don't plan on visiting Africa for missions, but I will support you if that is your calling. I won't be in Haiti helping refugees, but I know many talented people who will be, and I offer my prayers and financial support. As for me, and countless millions in America, the politico is where our passions lie, and when we are on our battlefield trying to do what we believe is right, please don't try to disparage us.

1 comment:

Michael Gray said...

Nice post, Jay.

My perspective on this issue is that Christians cannot sit idly by while the government annexes our God-given command to reach the sick, poor, and needy ourselves.

Churches are already becoming obscure in modern American life (even the mega ones). This bill simply gives us another reason to be irrelevant. Why turn to God when Washington will supply all your needs?