Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just Do It

We're one week away from an election that will change the history of this nation forever. Horrible governmental decisions are being made, and we're adding zeroes to the back of our national debt faster than you can say ' Dave Ramsey.' In light of current events, I'm very afraid of a socialist stepping in and taking control of the White House... and my money.
I have had the opportunity to share my opinion about the election and I feel that I have drawn several poignant conclusions about who I am going to vote for. What I am finding is that the more people I speak with, the more people share my opinion. The problem is... (wait for it)... THEY'RE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE! We live in a democracy, but we're allowing other's votes to be more important than ours. No matter what side of the issues you are on, GET OUT AND VOTE!


Anonymous said...

i voted by early and can't wait to vote again on the 4th!

Jason Palmer said...
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Shaun Palmer said...

Actually, if people are on the wrong side, I prefer they not vote...at least not vote more than once. Is that too much to ask?