Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Birthing Humor

Nik and I went to our final of four birthing classes tonight in downtown Phoenix. Our teacher was a labor & delivery nurse, who has five children of her own. What was more amazing was the fact that she had some naturally, some with pain management, a C-Section, and then two "natural" births after a C-Section. In other words... Been there... Done that... Bought the T-shirt.
Our class had about eight couples, ranging from a few high schoolers through late 30-somethings, and there were a plethora of questions , most of which coming from first-time moms. There were several facts that I won't share openly (younger eyes may be reading this), but there is one that I found quite comical that I would like to share.
After beginning breastfeeding, the woman's body becomes attuned to the sound of a baby's cry, and it is quite common for a woman's body to begin pumping milk out at the sound of an infant crying (not necessarily her own infant). This brings new meaning to "crying over spilled milk", or "spilling milk over crying." I guess you have to be prepared for that grocery store visit, when you'r in the chip aisle and a baby starts whimpering four aisles away. "Clean-up in aisle six." Be prepared... that's all I'm saying.

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