One week until full term!!! I have no idea where this year has gone, and I can't seem to slow time down at all as we get closer to the day the Drew-man arrives. With that in mind, I am super-excited about the next five weeks of our lives. We're halfway through birthing classes, and we begin our weekly doctors appointments next week. On Monday we have our first ultrasound since week 18 and I can't wait to be able to see and hear my little man. Yet, I was a little concerned at our last doctor appointment when our doc jokingly said that the ultrasound was to check on the progress of the baby... and to make sure that the stem was still on the apple (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), if you know what I mean. I am still confident that we're having a boy, but as a "Type A" personality, I don't like to think that all of our plans may have to change.
I don't know how Nik is surviving the summer. If it weren't for the pool and good air conditioning, I think we would be in trouble. Here's how Nik and Drew look after 35 weeks... Absolutely Gorgeous!
1 comment:
Absolutely gorgeous is right! Please pass on to Nik that I love that dress. And please be sure to post after the ultrasound on Monday so your Type A readers can be sure you're still having a boy :)
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