Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Legend of the Shoeless Guitarist

Often I am asked about why I don't wear shoes while playing guitar on-stage, and I never realized that people really noticed. So much so, that there have been a few people that go to Palm Valley Church, that I have to introduce myself as: 1. One of the two electric guitarists 2. The guitarist with the green guitar 3. The guitarist who doesn't wear shoes. Crazy huh! What's funnier is that I usually have to get all three statements out before the person recognizes me. Then the question always arises, "Why don't you wear shoes?" Well here are a couple possible answers, I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

1. I'm not particularly keen on shoe wearing.
2. It's easier to push the buttons on my effects processor without shoes.
3. Since I am playing at church (usually), I am trying to be reverant to the concept of "Holy Ground".
4. My wife owns too many shoes, therefore the budget is shot for me owning nice shoes.
5. After hearing the fable of the Old Lady and the Shoe, when I was younger, I was concerned of stepping on one of the many children.
6. Chuck Norris says that shoes are a sign of weakness.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear your sob story about no money in the budget for shoes. You have the guitar...enough said.


Jason Palmer said...

Did you say I don't have enough guitars?

Anonymous said...

Not wearing shoes while you play isn't that big of a deal. But if you didn't wear shoes while you played and simultaneously walked over a bed of burning hot coals...that would be something to sit up and take notice of.


Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris eats budgets and shoes for breakfast.

Shaun Palmer said...

You have an amazing wife. My wife would never let me get away with a fashion no-no like that.